4 April 2024

North Sydney MP Kylea Tink has welcomed the Federal Government’s $3.2 million funding injection into TAFE NSW St Leonards, which she said further enhances its position as a Centre of Excellence for Media Studies in Australia.

The funding will enable a LED Volume screen within the campus’ media complex, enabling Screen and Media students to develop industry-ready skills in television, news and film production.

With the Australian labour market evolving more quickly than ever before, Tink said it was a much-needed investment in skills, job creation and opportunities for young people not only in the electorate of North Sydney but right across the Sydney basin.

Funding has been provided from the Federal Government’s $50 million TAFE Technology Fund and complements opportunities provided through the separate Fee-Free TAFE initiative.

Tink said: “TAFE NSW is a critical part of our higher education system, providing pathways for young Australians, as well as mature-aged students, to quickly develop skill sets that meet industry needs. With skills shortages right across our economy, it has never been more important to be investing in this way in TAFE.

“Ultimately, young Australians need to be confident the skills they can develop via a TAFE education are just as valued as those that are gained via a University degree and I am excited to see this federal support having such a positive impact locally.

“With some of Australia’s most prominent film and television businesses based in our electorate, TAFE NSW’s St Leonards Campus leads the way in training Australians for careers in technology and media. It’s exciting to see investment like this push the facility further into the category of a Centre of Excellence.

“North Sydney is the perfect place for this investment and having met some of the impressive students at TAFE NSW St Leonards, I have no doubt that this new LED Volume technology will be put to very good use.”